Promoting Patient-Centered Care

We often tell stories of our patients with happy endings. Today we highlight the remarkable success that FAME’s own Head Nurse, Kizito Koinet Kileu, achieved in the just concluded Scientific Conference and Annual General Meeting held in Mbeya, in south western Tanzania. 

The conference, "Nurses, A Voice to Lead - A vision for future healthcare," was hosted by the Tanzania National Nurses Association (TANNA) and was attended by over 1,200 healthcare professionals from Africa, the United States of America, and the United Kingdom. 

Kizito gave an inspiring presentation on Customer care satisfaction in the health industry, Principles of customer care that made such a strong impression, it was recognized as the most powerful presentation of the conference.

Kizito graduated from nursing school in 2016 and shortly after moved to Zambia to work for a HIV project led by the Southern African Development Community (SADC). The project focused on implementation of testing centers, community outreach work and education, leaving Nurse Kizito missing patient interaction terribly. He joined FAME in April 2019, and has been an instrumental part in making FAME a success, not only to the staff that work here, but to all the patients around Northern Tanzania who travel far and wide to seek medical care at FAME.

Kizito is familiar with customer care satisfaction in the health industry given FAME’s mission of advancing patient centered and quality medical care in Northern Tanzania. 

A few months ago, Kizito conducted customer care training for FAME’s medical and non-medical staff. His preparations for this were incredible learning opportunities: he listened to patients, relatives and colleagues – to find out precisely how to best collaborate, share decision making and come up with a comprehensive care plan in order to achieve a patient’s specific health needs and desired health outcomes. 

When it came time to present at the Scientific Conference and Annual General Meeting, he stood confidently at the podium and shared his own experiences to a room full of nurses at the conference centre in Mbeya. We can now proudly share that his experience and advice has reached healthcare personnel from all corners of Tanzania and beyond.

Other topics presented at the scientific conference included maternal deaths, nursing innovation, autism spectrum disorder, and post-operative wound care in surgical wards. All crucial to ensure better results when dealing with patients with a wide variety of needs.

Nurse Kizito promises to use the knowledge acquired in the conference to inspire his nursing team and other FAME health professionals. 

We at FAME are very proud of Kizito!

You can see a video of Kizito explaining what inspired him to be a nurse below.

“The conference was wonderful; I would have felt very sad if I had missed it. It was awesome as I met other healthcare providers from not only Tanzania hospitals but also colleagues from Botswana, Uganda, Kenya, and South Africa. It was inspiring to discuss nursing-related issues with them.”

-Head Nurse, Kizito Koinet Kileu

Robert Kovacs