Treating Burns at FAME

It was the morning of January 17 when one-year-old Ali* was playing on the floor as his mother got his two siblings ready for school. 

As is customary, the mother used her gas cooker to boil some tea for her kids before school. As she served the tea, little Ali walked over to the sufuria (pot), slipped, and sat on the hot tea. He suffered extensive burns on his groin area, buttocks and thighs. 

“His siblings are only nine and six years old, so I was distracted and wasn't keeping an eye on him. I just heard him screaming, turned around to see him sitting in the hot sufuria with the tea. It had been raining all morning, so it was very cold and I had put lots of clothes on him. I quickly removed the clothes he was wearing”

Little Ali was screaming in pain when his mother rushed him to a local dispensary. Afraid that the injury was too extensive, the dispensary referred her to FAME. Ali’s mother took a bus from their home 20 miles away and got in a tuk-tuk (auto-rickshaw) for the last part of their journey to FAME. Once they arrived, the medical team jumped into action. 

“When we got here I was crying harder than my child! I was hysterical. I felt so guilty. It was my fault that I wasn't watching him closely. I was also very confused. I didn't know where to go, I had no sense of direction. Everyone was so helpful. The doctor even helped me carry my bag as I was overwhelmed.”

The team admitted little Ali and his mother, and after three nights at FAME’s inpatient ward he was ready to go home. 

“I am blown away by the medical attention here. Ali is better now and he doesn’t cry from pain anymore. When the nurse came to change his bandages, she was so gentle with him. I’m very happy. Thank you FAME. I have to mention how good the food is. They always asked me what Ali wanted to eat and what he liked! With all this good service I was very scared about the hospital bill as I do not have much money. I work in a hair salon. But I have received the bill and I can afford it! I even have a little money left over!”

This was not the first time that Ali’s mother has been to FAME. Several years ago she brought her oldest daughter to FAME after the little girl pushed a sponge up her nose. On that visit, they did not have to spend the night and were able to return home the same day.

Ali is now home and set for a full recovery. 

*While the patient’s name has been changed to protect privacy, permission was secured to share his photo and story with FAME supporters, and to raise awareness of available medical care at FAME Medical.

Robert Kovacs