Global Day of Parents

June 1 is the Global Day of Parents. It is a day to appreciate parents for their selfless commitment to children and their lifelong sacrifice towards nurturing this relationship.

FAME pays tribute to all parents around the world, especially in Northern Tanzania where we work. Rural populations, the primary populations in FAME’s catchment area, are underserved and vulnerable groups. Parenting in rural areas is especially challenging due to limited access to resources and disproportionately high rates of child needs: shelter, food, clothing, and medical care. 

Despite these challenges, the parents in FAME’s catchment area have shown great resilience, selfless commitment, and countless sacrifices to raise, love, protect and nurture their children. Every day at FAME, we meet concerned parents, some of whom have traveled a long way to ensure that their children get quality healthcare. 

We spoke to different parents who brought their kids to FAME to learn what parenthood means to them, and the role that FAME plays in supporting their children and them as parents.

Parenthood means commitment. It means humility in understanding your child’s needs and to us, bears a strong responsibility. Our daughter has epilepsy, and we’re so thankful that because of FAME, we don't have to travel far to access good healthcare for her. We believe that we are good parents because we bring her here! 

-Mr and Mrs Alwan*, with their 4-year-old daughter    

Parenthood is a desired challenge. I always wanted to have children. Parenthood is happiness! I am the happiest when my children are happy, that's why I’m sad today that my son is sick. I brought him to FAME as I trust them to heal him. I was here before when I brought my disabled father. He doesn't like hospitals much, as he has not received the best care before. FAME’s attitude towards him was positive, and they had the knowledge and skills to handle his condition. That’s why I’m here today. I am sure that my son will get the best care here, because I have seen them do it for my dad! 

-Mr. Abdul* with son aged 12 

Parenthood is a journey, and a peaceful one for me since I’m raising my child alone with no interference! Wait, that’s not entirely correct. I bring my child to the baby clinic and I rely on them for advice and information on how to take care of him. So you can say I’m not alone as I have this FAME team helping me along the way. And not just me but many other mothers too! Look how many mothers are here today! I don’t know what I would do without their support. So let me say parenthood is a journey with FAME!  

-Mama Baraka* with her 1-year-old son.

Parenthood means having a forever friend! This is my son. He’s been here everyday helping me even though he doesn't have to! I tell him the doctors and nurses here are taking very good care of me, and he can go back to his job, but he wants to stay. I have been here a long time [13 nights] and I have not one complaint! These are good people. 

-Mzee Mollel* with his 31-year- old son


Parenthood to us means responsibility that you cannot shift to somebody else. 

Since we became parents to our daughters, we have acted together as a team, as parenting means supporting each other. However, it’s not a team of two, but a team of three because FAME has been with us since the beginning. When my wife was pregnant she came here for prenatal care. Then she delivered here. And now we’re bringing the girls to the baby clinic. We like to joke that FAME is the third parent!  

-Mr and Mrs Maayan* with their daughters, Ages 1 and 3. 

*While the patients’ names have been changed to protect privacy, permission was secured to share their photos and stories with FAME supporters, and to raise awareness of available medical care at FAME.

Robert Kovacs