International Nurses Day

It's International Nurses Day! FAME celebrates its nurses, who are at the forefront of patient-centered care. Their specialized knowledge, compassion and unwavering commitment to patient care greatly impact the lives of those we serve in rural Tanzania.

We spoke to seven nurses from different departments at FAME: Maternity Ward, Surgical Team, Inpatient Ward, Outpatient Clinic (OPD) and Reproductive and Child Health Clinic (RCH). They told us what inspired them to become nurses and what they enjoy most about being a nurse and they offered their advice to anyone considering pursuing nursing as a career. 


“I was born premature, and my mother would tell me all these stories about how the nurses helped and cared for me until I was strong enough to go home. This spiked my interest in nursing as I wondered who nurses are. When I was 16 years old, I had surgery on my hand. I remember being very nervous and scared, but the care and comfort from the nurses solidified my dream of becoming a nurse. What I enjoy most about being a nurse is the opportunity to help and comfort my patients in their time of extreme need. When I see a woman give birth safely and the baby is healthy, that is my ultimate happiness. The most rewarding part of nursing is meeting new people and always learning. I would advise the new nurses that this career touches people's lives directly and they should hold that sacred. Also, we can never fix all our patient's problems, but we can promise they won't have to face them alone.”


“I became interested in nursing from my auntie and grandmother, both nurses. I have been a nurse for seven years and all seven have been at FAME. The best part of my job is caring for patients and giving them hope. It is most rewarding for me to serve. Nursing is everywhere in medicine! I would advise new nurses to love their work and be proud of being a nurse; it is an important job. I did marry a nurse, but that was not because of my love for nursing! I am especially proud that my colleagues chose me as the RCH Nurse of the Year 2023. This award shows that my work is recognized and celebrated.”

ANCILA DIDAS KIMARIO- Outpatient Clinic (OPD) Nurse

“I was inspired to join nursing after I got sick as a child and was taken to hospital, and I loved the hospital! The surroundings, the people who worked there, how busy they all looked, and of course, the nurses in their beautiful uniforms! My favorite part of nursing is serving patients until they get better and say they are not sick anymore! I am most proud that I am the only medical person in my family, so when anyone gets sick, I know how to help them or where to direct them to the right care. I advise new nurses to love nursing from the heart; don't do it because someone else convinced you to. Sometimes the work is challenging and if you are not in it for a genuine reason, you may be unable to handle it. Always treat your patients as family and don't discriminate against them. Being a nurse at FAME has helped me advance and update my knowledge because of the ongoing education classes offered, and I would advise all nurses to keep learning! Medicine is always changing, and keeping up with the latest developments is important to provide our patients with the best possible care.” 


“I love to serve people and ensure their well-being, so nursing was my natural career choice. 

I love nursing because I am the ambassador of the patient. As a nurse, I get limitless time with patients, unlike doctors, who can only spend limited time with the patient. I receive patients and help them with all their needs, especially where they cannot help themselves and I love this! I believe nursing changes lives and being a nurse at FAME adds to my joy. Here, I have all the resources to help my patients. I advise new nurses to remember that nursing is a calling with many blessings. Do to your patients what you would like done to you.”


“I became a nurse after I was inspired by my now-retired aunt, who was a nurse. My favorite thing about nursing is helping the needy and healing the sick. It's been seven years since I first became a nurse, and my love and dedication to all my patients remains the same and I continue to find my work very rewarding.”


“I am a theater nurse interested in the operating room and procedures. I chose to become a nurse because I wanted to help people, especially patients who are very sick and need surgery. I advise new nurses that nursing is a privilege and should be taken seriously.”

SEHEWA MGANGA - Registered Nurse/Ophthalmic Assistant/ Head Nurse Anesthetist

“I have been a qualified nurse for 30 years; for 10 of those, I have worked at FAME. I became a nurse because I wanted to be part of saving the lives of critically ill patients. I am most proud of being a nurse when I nurse someone sick back to health. Nursing is rewarding, especially when the care I give my patient gets positive results and brings back someone's life and hope. I advise new nurses to be ready to accept challenges and adjust, work hard, and learn from others.”

Today, FAME has a team of 70 nurses! Donate now to support our nursing team! Include the name and a message to one of our incredible FAME nurses in the dedication of your donation and we will share it with them.

Robert Kovacs