Emmanuel: A Lifesaving Blood Donor Hero at FAME

Emmanuel Tsere, a 59-year-old driver at FAME, has been with us since 2007. His journey with blood donation began in 2017 when a patient at FAME urgently needed blood. Emmanuel, the only match, stepped up to donate for the first time.

“Growing up in a small village in Bashai, North Western Tanzania, I had only heard about blood donations. It wasn't until I was 49 that I donated blood for the first time here at FAME.”

Born into a family of livestock keepers, no one in his family had ever needed a blood donation. Emmanuel later discovered he has the rare and highly sought-after O- blood type.

“I was told by the laboratory technologist here at FAME that my blood type is a rare one. Whenever there is a need, they always turn to me. I am always ready and willing to give.”

Since joining FAME, Emmanuel has witnessed its transformation from a simple bush area to a thriving medical facility.

“When I came to FAME, it was just a bush. We started clearing and planting trees. Then we built the OPD department, and finally the ward. I am fortunate to have been part of its transformation including the laboratory that has made me a life saver through blood donations.”

To date, Emmanuel has donated blood to seven patients. The receivers range from pregnant mothers to children with anemia.

“I understand that blood donation is for the purpose of saving lives. That's why I never hesitate whenever there is a need.”

Despite his first receiver passing on even after a successful transfusion, Emmanuel's resolve to help others has never wavered. “When it happened, it really hurt me because my intention is always to see the people I donate to become well.”

Today, as the world marks Blood Donation Day, under the theme 20 years of celebrating giving: thank you blood donors, here at FAME we celebrate Emmanuel and all of the other donors who have helped save lives here at FAME.

“Every time I donate blood, I feel so good. I feel like I fulfill my purpose here on Earth.”

Robert Kovacs