Heartfelt Stories from FAME's NICU
One of the baby's in FAME's NICU on Valentine's Day. Baby Eliza came to FAME after a month of battling pneumonia at home. Her story is below.
Established in 2019, alongside the Maternity Center, FAME's NICU provides crucial care to our smallest and most vulnerable patients. This life-saving care is provided for infants born at FAME and sick or premature infants transferred from other hospitals, clinics or home births. Over the last three years, admissions to FAME’s NICU have increased by almost 20%. This Valentine's Day, we share with you short stories from the NICU, all of which were made possible by the love and care provided by FAME's medical team.
In a bustling corner of FAME's NICU, we meet Baby Eliza. Born prematurely at home, she was brought to FAME's NICU after a month of battling pneumonia and anemia. With the help of FAME's medical team, she received oxygen therapy and blood transfusions. She steadily recovered and and today, this little warrior is ready to bid farewell to the NICU and embrace the world outside.
Meanwhile, another infant is no stranger to FAME's NICU. Born with a heart defect that requires delicate surgical intervention, Baby Paulina's parents bring her to FAME weekly for regular monitoring. FAME's pediatric team is committed to supporting her growth until she is big enough to receive surgery at our referral cardiac center. It is this specialized medical attention for infants with complex health needs that illustrates FAME's steadfast commitment to ensuring that every baby receives the best possible care.
It is not all monitors and medicine in the NICU; there are moments of pure celebration, too. Like the joyous occasion when an underweight infant reaches the significant milestone of 1kg. In a heartwarming display of support, the NICU team celebrates these success with cake and smiles! This celebration is a reminder to everyone that even the smallest victories are worth cherishing.
John at FAME in December 2023, recovering from surgery (left). John on Valentine's Day 2024; two months older and much, much bigger (right)!
The FAME team celebrated a significant milestone in this underweight baby's growth. After reaching 1kg, Baby Jacqueline was discharged from FAME to continue receiving treatment at a medical facility closer to home. We learned today that her local clinic is having a party to celebrate reaching 2kgs!