Walking Tall: Sam's Life Changing Steps to Recovery

When I first fell ill, it was very unsettling. One day, my right leg just stopped working—it felt like it was asleep, and I couldn’t walk on it at all. I went to a hospital near my hometown in Babati, where they ran several tests but couldn’t find the problem. They gave me medication and sent me home, but my condition didn’t improve.

Eventually, my daughter recommended I visit FAME Hospital. When I arrived, the doctors wasted no time and immediately began running tests. The next day, I returned to hear the results. They explained that my right leg was paralyzed due to an issue on the left side of my brain. I was both shocked and amazed.

Soon after, I underwent surgery at FAME. I don’t remember much of the operation itself—I was unconscious—but I woke up two days later and began doing small exercises under the guidance of the medical team. That was when I first realized I could stand upright again. I had thought I might never recover, but the care and attention I received at FAME made all the difference.

Before, I used to walk hunched over, with someone supporting me on one side and a cane in the other hand. Now, I can walk upright again without a cane. The surgery scar on my head has also healed. I’m incredibly grateful to the doctors and nurses who helped me through this illness.

I really never thought I would recover, so when I saw a FAME staff member walking around campus with a camera, I felt compelled to ask if I could share my story. I want people not to lose hope and to know that if I could recover, so can they.

FAME Africa
A Story of Giving: Sid's Journey of Resilience and Healing

Sid* arrived at FAME with a rare and life-threatening infection. By the time he reached the hospital, the infection had advanced significantly, causing unbearable pain and emotional distress.

“I first went to a hospital near my hometown, but they told me they couldn’t treat me and referred me to FAME. At that point, my wounds were so painful and uncomfortable that I couldn’t really have a social life. I felt embarrassed to sit next to others…it almost brought me to tears.” – Sid

FAME’s medical team cleared the infection and provide the specialized care he needed to begin to return to his normal life.

At FAME, we see countless examples of fathers like John who go above and beyond to ensure the well-being of their families. These fathers are pillars of strength, providing unwavering support through thick and thin. Their stories are a powerful reminder of the impact that a dedicated and loving father can have on a family’s health and happiness.

Sid's smile has become familiar around the FAME campus, as he still comes to FAME weekly for wound care. Although Sid's health is improving, the last few months have been difficult due to the mounting expenses, which can still be a challenge even within the context of FAME's highly subsidized rates. Sid's story touched the FAME staff and prompted the social work team to develop a plan that ensures Sid can continue receiving life-saving treatment for his wound, free of charge.

“I believe that helping someone who cannot afford treatment isn’t just about waving a fee or donating—it’s about making a meaningful difference in our community.”  Angel, FAME Social Worker

FAME Africa
A Story of Dedication: John's Journey with FAME

For John*, supporting his wife through her pregnancy journey has been a deeply cherished responsibility and a source of immense pride. As a father of four, John has made it a priority to accompany his wife to every clinic visit at FAME during all her pregnancies. His commitment is more than just his presence; it is about being actively involved and emotionally supportive, ensuring that he is there for every step of the journey.

John’s greatest wish has always been to be present in the delivery room, sharing in the moment of birth alongside his wife. "I have always wished to be a present father for my kids, from conception until they grow old," John shares. "Whenever I come with my wife to the clinics, I learn a lot from the tests and the education provided by the nurses here at FAME.  From taking care of my wife during her pregnancy and also the babies once they are born. Attending antenatal and postnatal clinics with her has made me a better father and husband.”

John's story is a testament to the transformative power of involvement and education. Through his active participation, he has not only supported his wife but has also grown as a father and partner. "All thanks to the team here at FAME, I am a happy father because of their relentless effort to give quality care and education," he says with gratitude.

At FAME, we see countless examples of fathers like John who go above and beyond to ensure the well-being of their families. These fathers are pillars of strength, providing unwavering support through thick and thin. Their stories are a powerful reminder of the impact that a dedicated and loving father can have on a family’s health and happiness.

FAME Africa
Juma's Journey: A Decade of Dedication, Bringing Patients to FAME

Juma* has been bringing patients to FAME for close to a decade now. He drives these patients in his car from Mto wa Mbu, a distance of about 28 miles. “I used to come here when the hospital had only the outpatient clinic. None of these buildings you see here had been built then.”

Juma adds that his love for FAME was birthed by the quality services he has always received from FAME. “The services at FAME are so good. The doctors and nurses here are very kind. How they receive you, care for you and talk to you has always captured my heart. For them, it's patient service first and not money.”

In the community where he comes from, as with many other communities in FAME's catchment area, access to quality healthcare has always been challenging. This is partly due to poverty levels as well as poorly resourced health facilities. “Whenever someone within my community needs medical attention due to various conditions, they bring them to me. The numbers have been growing because they keep telling each other that if you go to Juma, he will take you to the hospital. And it has also built a community of responsibility because when someone ill is brought to me and I bring them to FAME, if they struggle to pay their hospital bills, we collaborate.”

However, Juma's sacrifice to his community has not been without challenges. “The main challenge I face is finance, because I have to share the little I have with the community. Sometimes I get patients at a time when I am unable to fuel the car to bring them to FAME,” Juma recalls.

During one of his visits, Juma began feeling ill while waiting for the patients he had brought to be treated. “I was diagnosed with diabetes and was admitted for almost a week. I received the best care. I was given a team that advised me on how to change my lifestyle, including my diet. My health has since improved. I have also been disciplined in taking my medication and attending clinic checkups.”

Juma says that with the kind of awareness, knowledge and education he got from the team at FAME about his diabetes, he has become a diabetes health champion within his community. “I have met people in my community with diabetes, and I have been sharing the knowledge I learned at FAME with them and giving them hope. I use myself as an example, and they wonder how I am very healthy and active with my condition. I encourage them to be disciplined with medication, diet and lifestyle, and they can lead healthy lives.”

Despite the personal health challenges and those encountered in his community, Juma says he is determined to continue helping patients access healthcare because he feels it's his purpose. “Whenever I bring a patient to FAME and they get healed, I feel so happy and fulfilled.”

“Given a chance, I would still choose what I am doing to be my service to the community. I thank God because even my wife has the same heart. As a family, I believe it is our purpose here, and it gives us joy.”

FAME Africa
From Burn Victim to Thriving Mother: How Reconstructive Surgery at FAME Transformed a Mother's Life

Winnie* was about 15 years old when she got burned. She sustained the burn while storing firewood in their grass-thatched, mud-walled kitchen.

“I was with my cousin, and we were taking firewood to the kitchen. My cousin had already left ahead of me, and there was thick smoke [coming from the kitchen].” - Winnie

Winnie was alone in the kitchen while her cousin was out fetching another bunch of maize stalks.

“When I placed the maize stalks down, the fire broke out. I don’t know how the fire started. It caught my dress. I ran out screaming, and the fire kept burning my skirt. I got to my mother, who cut my clothes, but they had already stuck to my body. I was then rushed to the hospital.” - Winnie

Fast forward to today: Winnie is now a mother of one. She became tearful as she narrated how life has been hard since she sustained those injuries as a teenager. Her left hand was completely stuck to her left breast, and the fingers were stuck to her palm. Despite the initial procedures, Winnie was still unable to live a normal life.

“It was very difficult for my life to continue normally. I couldn’t do anything and became dependent on people. At home, I have been stigmatized because I am unable to function normally. At school, I was discriminated against by other students. I couldn’t even write well.” - Winnie

Winnie’s relief finally came when she visited FAME for antenatal clinics. One of the volunteer nurses became curious about her condition. After sharing her story, the nurse informed her about FAME’s general surgery program and shared that with surgery, her hand and arm could be reconstructed and she would be able to use them again.

“I felt so good. I was really happy and looked forward to the day.” - Winnie

The procedure was to be conducted once Winnie’s baby was born. Months later, true to the nurse's words, Winnie was admitted to FAME’s surgical ward for the procedure. FAME’s surgical team handles a total of 10-15 burn contracture cases every year.

“The main reason for reconstructive surgery is to restore patients' functions on the affected limb. For the case of Winnie, we established through examinations that her fingers were healthy. We did a partial release of all her fingers to enable her to grasp things.” - Emmanuel Manjira, FAME’s General Surgeon

“I can now stretch my hand, arm and fingers. I am able to wash my baby’s clothes. Before, I couldn’t; I would only put the clothes on a piece of wood and pour water on them. My child couldn’t wear clean clothes, but now, even when you look at him, he looks very clean and healthy.” - Winnie

“I would like to thank that nurse who noticed my condition, and also the entire FAME fraternity. May God bless them because I was unable to hold anything with my hand, but now I can hold things.” - Winnie

FAME Africa